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Forms → Parents & Students → Enrollment/Records → Federal Impact Aid Survey AS OF OCTOBER 4, 2023
Form number: 280-4
Audience: Parents/Guardians
Last revised: October 2023
MCPS qualifies for Impact Aid when a parent or guardian works on a Federal Property in the State of Maryland or the parent or guardian of a child attending MCPS is a member of the uniformed services. The Federal Impact Aid legislation was passed to assist school districts like MCPS that has lost property tax revenue due to the presence of a tax-exempt Federal Property. There are several large Federal properties in the State of Maryland including National Institutes of Health, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Food and Drug Administration, Fort Meade, Fort Detrick and Andrews Air Force Base. These plus other Federal Properties in the State of Maryland qualify MCPS for receiving the grant.
Impact Aid funds become part of the MCPS general operating budget and support instructional activities such as teacher salaries, classroom supplies, classroom books and other program costs that benefit all MCPS students. Your help is needed to obtain funds necessary to provide an excellent education for your children.
To qualify for Impact Aid funding, MCPS must collect information about federally connected children enrolled in our schools. Therefore, MCPS asks all parents to complete a survey form to help us qualify for the grant. For each school-aged child in your household, please complete, sign, date, and return a separate survey form by December 8, 2023. With your help in providing accurate information on the attached form, MCPS can secure the maximum allowable Federal funds. All of the survey forms will be treated as confidential information and will be used for no other purpose than stated here. The information you provide on the form is confidential and will be available only to school and Federal officials.
The completed survey can be returned to:
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please call the MCPS Division of Controller at 240-740-7500
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