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Forms → Staff → Student → Children in Informal Kinship Care Relationships
Form number: 560-40A
Audience: School Staff
Last revised: November 2018
Form 334-17 - Affidavit: Children in Informal Kinship Care
INSTRUCTIONS: Using the code definitions on the reverse side, complete for any student who resides in an informal kinship care relationship. Supporting documentation (MCPS Form 334-17, AFFIDAVIT: Children in Informal Kinship Care, and other documentation) should be copied and attached. If there are no students, check the box that says “There are no student(s) attending who fall under Md. EDUCATION Code Ann. § 4-122.1, and COMAR 13A.08.05.”
Forward to: Reports Specialist, Central Records, Concord Center, 7210 Hidden Creek Rd., Bethesda.
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