FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Request for a De-identified Naviance Student Account

Request for a De-identified Naviance Student Account

About this Form

Form number: 427-1

Audience:  Parents/Guardians, School Staff, Students

Last revised: September 2018

INSTRUCTIONS:  Please sign and return this form to the counseling office in your child’s school if you want your child to obtain a de-identified student account. It is important to understand that your decision to eliminate access may significantly affect your child’s ability to access educational resources and opportunities. For example, a de-identified account might impact a student’s ability to gain valuable information needed for choosing a career pathway in high school as well as educational and potential scholarship opportunities as students prepare for their post-secondary careers.
For more information regarding Naviance, see the MCPS Naviance Student page on the MCPS website:

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