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Forms → Staff → Educational Services → Request for MCPS Course Credit in High School Mathematics
Form number: 345-44
Last revised: September 2019
Directions: If a student transfers to an MCPS high school from an international school, a school district in another state, another school district in Maryland, a private institution, or who has been home schooled, and that student has an unspecified mathematics credit, the school counselor or registrar will complete Section I of this form to initiate a review of the mathematics credit with the mathematics resource teacher (Section II), and the OCIP secondary mathematics supervisor/specialist (Section III). Final approval or disapproval will be made by the school principal in Section IV. (See MCPS Regulation JEB-RA, Placement, Promotion, Acceleration, and Retention of Students) In order to graduate from a Maryland public high school, students are required to earn four math credits, including one with instruction in algebra aligned with the Maryland High School Assessment for algebra or one or more credits in subsequent mathematics courses for which Algebra I is a prerequisite, and one with instruction in geometry aligned with the content standards for geometry (Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A. 03.02.03)
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