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Forms → Staff → Accounting → Response Form for Required Criminal Background Checks
Form number: 235-40
Audience: Contractors
Last revised: October 2015
PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO THE PROCUREMENT UNIT WITHIN 10 BUSINESS DAYS: 45 West Gude Drive, Suite 3100, Rockville, MD 20850 or Fax to 301-279-3173
Under a Maryland law (Section 6-113 of the Education Article of the Maryland Code) enacted in July, 2015, any contractor or member of the contractor’s workforce who will be working in a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) facility where they have direct, unsupervised, and uncontrolled access to students must undergo a criminal background check, including fingerprinting. This new law is in conjunction with the Maryland law stating that contractors may not knowingly employ a registered sex offender to work in a school. Additional information can be found by viewing the Contractor Obligation Packet at: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/procurement.
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