Board of Education Meeting Highlights for April 10

April 11, 2003
The Board of Education met on Thursday [April 10] and, among other items, approved a transfer enrollment plan for the Chinese Immersion Program, appointed a new associate superintendent for student and community services, and approved a resolution to support County Council efforts to provide revenue sources for capital projects. In addition, the Board reviewed an update on the curriculum implementation process and adopted a new mission statement. The Board also approved a list of instructional materials, and received an update on legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly. The Board recognized the observance of National Volunteer Week, Autism Awareness Month, and Secretaries Week.

Chinese Immersion Program Proposal

The Board approved a proposal that would open at least two slots per grade for Kindergarten and Grade 1 in the Potomac Elementary School Chinese Immersion Program to a lottery-based transfer process for students outside the service area beginning in the 2003-2004 school year. A similar transfer process for students outside the service area may be available for the Herbert Hoover Middle School Chinese Immersion Program in 2004-2005. A Chinese immersion proficiency assessment would be developed by the Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs to determine eligibility for students seeking admission to the program after Grade 1.


The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

·Dr. Carey M. Wright, currently director, Office of Special Education and Student Services, Howard County Public Schools, as associate superintendent, Office of Student and Community Services.

Revenue Sources for Capital Projects

The Board approved a resolution to support County Council Bill 9-03 and similar bills intended to identify new sources of local revenues that are dedicated for the purpose of funding capital needs and school construction.

Update on Curriculum Implementation

The Board discussed a revision of the plan to implement revised curriculum areas for 2003-2004 that postpones implementation of the reading/language arts curriculum for Grades 4 and 5 and the social studies curriculum for Grades 1 and 2. The delay was made based on the experience of implementing other areas of the revised curriculum along with feedback from stakeholder groups.

Mission Statement

The Board voted to adopt a new mission statement. The statement is: The mission of the Montgomery County Board of Education is to provide leadership and oversight for a high quality educational system with community-supported goals, policies, and resources committed to benefit our growing and diverse student population.

Approval of Instructional Materials

The Board approved a list of instructional materials that were reviewed and evaluated for use in the Family Life and Human Development program by its Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development.

Final Report on Legislation

The Board reviewed a final report on legislation passed by the Maryland General

Secretaries Week

The Board approved the observance of Secretaries Week from April 20 through 26 to recognize publicly the competence and dedication of secretarial and clerical employees. Wednesday, April 23, was designated Secretaries Day for the Montgomery County Public Schools.

National Volunteer Week

The Board approved the observance of National Volunteer Week from April 27 through May 3 to recognize the time, energy and experience contributed by school volunteers. Last year 109 schools earned a citation of merit from the Maryland State Department of Education for their outstanding school volunteer programs. During the past school year, more than 41,700 volunteers gave over 2.7 million hours of service and provided the equivalent hours of 1,298 full-time, 12-month employees. If a dollar value were attach to that service, the sum would exceed $44.6 million.

Autism Awareness Month

In recognition of National Autism Awareness Month, the board expressed its appreciation to all who teach and work in support of individuals and families who deal with this complex developmental disability. There are approximately 535 children diagnosed with autism who are being educated in the Montgomery County Public Schools.

Board of Education: Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, president; Ms. Sharon W. Cox, vice president. Members: Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Mr. Reginald M. Felton, Dr. Charles Haughey, Mr. Walter N. Lange, Mr. Gabe Romero, and Mr. Mihyar Alnifaidy, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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