Forum Scheduled on High School Assessments

April 11, 2003
“Truth or Consequences? Maryland’s High School Assessment Testing Program” is the topic of a forum to be held Saturday, April 26, at the annual meeting of the Partnership for Educational Policy.

The event will take place at Johns Hopkins University Montgomery County Campus in Rockville from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and includes breakfast at 8:30 a.m.

Participants will get a comprehensive overview of the key issues surrounding the tests that every high school student must pass in order to graduate from high school, starting with the Class of 2007. Speakers will provide a national perspective on the benefits and problems associated with high-stakes tests; the status of test development; an explanation of how data are being used to identify and solve potential problems; and a discussion of how Montgomery County is preparing teachers, parents and students for these tests.

The forum is sponsored by the Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education, Montgomery County Education Association, Montgomery County Public Schools, and Montgomery County Alliance for Educational Excellence.

Reservations are required. RSVP as soon as possible by fax to the Montgomery County Business Roundtable at 301-315-7300. For more information, contact Paul Rankin at 301-377-3786 or Said Jahanmir at 301-869-9720.

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