Reading Recovery Showcased at Broad Acres ES

May 15, 2003
The Reading Recovery Program at Broad Acres Elementary School will be the focus of a visit to showcase the effectiveness of the program. The one-on-one teaching demonstration will take place on Friday, May 16, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Visitors will observe the reading lesson from behind a one-way glass.

Dilip Paliath, education advisor for Governor Robert Ehrlich, is expected to be among the officials who will observe a teacher and student engaged in this short-term intervention program. Reading Recovery is designed to help the lowest-achieving first grade students develop effective strategies for reading and writing. Individualized lessons are taught daily by highly trained and certified Reading Recovery teachers.

Reading Recovery is in its sixth year of implementation in Montgomery County Public Schools and is currently serving students in 15 federally funded Title I schools and 16 non-Title I schools within the county. In the current school year, 35 Reading Recovery teachers and one teacher leader are serving approximately 320 first grade students.

For more information, contact Linda Randall, Reading Recovery teacher leader at Broad Acres Elementary School, at 301-431-7616.

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