Board Meeting Summary, Meeting of 11/9/99: 'Call to Action' Overview Presented, and Board Endorses Early Childhood Initiative, Approves Calendar, and Appoints Community Superintendents

November 9, 1999
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, November 9, 1999] and, among other items, heard a presentation on the "Call to Action" overview for the school system and approved appointments of four community superintendents and a calendar for the 2000-2001 school year.

The Board also endorsed the Early Success initiative and a targeted expansion of all-day Kindergarten. The Board voted to reject a proposal to change bell times for high school students and delayed action on a charter school application.

The Board also approved the observance of Veterans' Day and American Education Week in Montgomery County Public Schools.

'Call to Action' Overview (see link below)

"Our Call to Action: Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap, Because All Children Matter" was presented to the Board. The document outlines the immediate and long-term actions for fulfilling the Success for Every Student Plan.

Over the past three months, school system staff and Montgomery County citizens have worked together to provide information about the most critical issues facing the school system improving student performance and closing the gap in student achievement by race and ethnicity. They have collaborated to assemble research and examples of best practices to devise a strategy for moving the school system forward quickly to address those critical issues. Their work is represented in the "Call to Action" overview, which will form the basis for the development of the capital and operating budgets.

Superintendent Jerry D. Weast characterized the document as a "plan to plan" reflecting the best thinking of the community -- a sound document whose basis is providing children with what they need to enter the 21st century.

Administrative Appointments

The Board of Education approved the following administrative appointments:

  • Joseph I. Headman, Jr., currently director, Office of School Performance and Accountability, as community superintendent.

  • Donald H. Kress, currently director, Office of School Performance and Accountability, as community superintendent.

  • Dr. Kimberly Statham, currently director, Office of School Performance and Accountability, as community superintendent.

  • Dr. William P. Wilhoyte, currently director, Office of School Performance and Accountability, as community superintendent.

    School Calendar for 2000-2001 (see link below)

    The Board approved the calendar for the 2000-2001 school year, which includes 184 instructional days and 191 duty days for teachers. The school year will begin on Tuesday, September 5, 2000, following the Labor Day holiday and conclude on Tuesday, June 19, 2001.

    Early Childhood and All-Day Kindergarten

    The Board voted to endorse Early Success, an early childhood initiative that is being planned and developed in response to one of the Board's academic priorities to "develop, expand, and coordinate a literacy-based birth to kindergarten initiative." The Board also endorsed targeted expansion of all-day kindergarten.

    Bell Times

    The Board reviewed a report, "Bell Times: Analysis of Additional Options," and voted to reject further consideration of changing high school bell times at this time.

    Charter School Application

    The Board discussed but delayed action on a proposal submitted for the Jaime Escalante Charter School.

    American Education Week

    American Education Week will be celebrated from November 14 through 19 in Montgomery County Public Schools. The Board expressed appreciation for the vital role of educators and encouraged parent and community involvement in the education process, particularly during this week.

    Veterans' Day

    The Board recognized Veterans' Day on November 11 as an opportunity for staff, students, and parents to remember the men and women who served in the Armed Forces of the United States.

    Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia O'Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Mrs. Beatrice Gordon, Ms. Nancy J. King, Ms. Mona M. Signer, and Ms. Laura Sampedro, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617

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