Board Discusses Makeup of New Family Life CAC

July 8, 2005
ROCKVILLE, MD— During the regular business meeting of the Board of Education on July 6, 2005, the Board took tentative action to reconstitute the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development.

The Board will take final action on its plans for the new committee at the July 27, 2005 Board meeting.

The new committee will have 15 members who are residents of Montgomery County. It will include 8 members at large, one of whom will be a MCPS high school student and seven representatives of organizations, one of whom shall be a MCPS high school student representing the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils. Two other groups will each have one representative on the committee – Citizens for Responsible Curriculum and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays.

The Board dissolved the previous advisory committee on May 23, 2005. No one who served on that committee will be eligible to serve on the new committee.

A copy of the Board Resolution is attached to this announcement.

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