Meetings on MS Magnet Consortium are Scheduled

October 31, 2005
All Montgomery County parents of Grade 5 students are invited to attend information meetings and open houses to learn about middle school options available for their students in the Middle School Magnet Consortium (MSMC).

For parents of Grade 5 students who reside within the MSMC boundaries*, identical information meetings will be held at Argyle Middle School (November 21), Loiederman Middle School (November 28), and Parkland Middle School (December 5). These meetings will include information about the Choice Process, the unique MSMC programs available, and student bus transportation. Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by an open house at the MSMC school at 7:30 p.m. Information will be presented in English and Spanish.

For parents of Grade 5 students who reside outside of the MSMC boundaries, identical information meetings will be held at Rockville High School (November 2), Walter Johnson High School (November 9), and Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School (November 14). These meetings will include information about the Choice Process, the unique MSMC programs available for students, and bus transportation guidelines. Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. Information will be presented in English and Spanish. Parents also are invited to attend the open houses at any of the three MSMC schools, scheduled for November 21, November 28, and December 5, as noted above.

For more information about the Choice Process and the Middle School Magnet Consortium programs, Visit the MCPS Web site at the link below.

Please note: Parents of current Grade 6 students who reside outside of the MSMC boundaries may participate in the Choice Process. School assignments to a MSMC school for the 2006-2007 school year are on a limited, space-available basis. For more information, please contact the Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services at 301-649-8081.

*MSMC elementary schools within the boundaries include: Brookhaven, Connecticut Park (2006), Georgian Forest, Harmony Hills, Bel Pre/Strathmore, Viers Mill, Weller Road and Wheaton Woods.

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