Policy Approved on Early Entrance to Prek, K, & Grade 1

March 15, 2006
The Board of Education met on Tuesday, March 14, and, among other items, tentatively approved a revised policy on community involvement and took final action on the policy on early entrance into prekindergarten, kindergarten, and Grade 1. Fees for summer school and evening high school were set. The Board approved the transfer of adult education programs to Montgomery College and the Montgomery County Recreation Department. In addition, the Board took positions on items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly and named two elementary schools. The Board also discussed next steps regarding Seven Locks Elementary School and related capacity and facilities issues. The Board recognized the death of former Board member, Rose C. Kramer, and recognized teachers who have attained national certification this year.

Tentative Action on Policy ABA, Community Involvement

The Board took tentative action on revised Policy ABA, Community Involvement. The policy is the core governance policy for Goal 3, Strengthen Productive Partnerships for Education, in the school system’s strategic plan. It reflects the ongoing collaboration and communication among schools, offices, departments, divisions, and stakeholders that are critical to support students and families. The policy will be sent out for public comment before final approval by the Board.

Final Action on Policy JEB, Early Entrance to Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade

The Board took final action on Policy JEB, Early Entrance to Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade. The policy provides for a six-week period beyond the admission dates prescribed by state law for consideration for early admission to prekindergarten and kindergarten.

Next Steps Regarding Seven Locks Elementary School

The Board discussed steps that might be taken to clarify options involving the Seven Locks Elementary School facility as well as capacity and facilities issues throughout the geographic area.

Naming of Clarksburg/Damascus ES #7

The Board approved the name Little Bennett Elementary School for Clarksburg/Damascus Elementary School #7.

Naming of Northwest ES #7

The Board approved the name Great Seneca Creek Elementary School for Northwest Elementary School #7.

Fees for Summer School and Evening High School

The Board approved fee schedules for summer school and evening high school for Fiscal Year 2007 as follows:

Summer school revenue-based program full fees increase by $15.
Summer school revenue-based program reduced fees increase by $5.
Summer school minimal fee-based programs increase by $5.
Middle School Focus on Mathematics fees increase by $25.
On-line SAT preparation fees increase by $20.
Evening High School fees increase by $5.

Transfer of the Adult Education Program to Montgomery College and the Montgomery County Recreation Department

The Board approved a resolution that transfers the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) adult education programs to Montgomery College and the Montgomery County Recreation Department, effective July 1, 2006. The transfers will consolidate adult education programs with agencies that focus on adult services, providing adult residents with a unified continuum of educational opportunities.

Items of Legislation

The Board voted to approve positions on a number of items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly relating to education.

Death of Rose C. Kramer

The Board expressed its sorrow upon the death of Rose C. Kramer, member of the Board of Education from 1955-1960, and member of the Montgomery County Council from 1966-1970.

Recognition of Nationally Certified Teachers

The Board recognized the 57 MCPS teachers who achieved certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching standards this year. This brings the total of nationally certified teachers in MCPS to 229.

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