Nat'l Labor College Offers Summer Opportunity

May 8, 2006
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) 2006 graduates are invited to apply for an innovative summer program that involves getting a stipend, earning college credits for free, and preparing for a future career in the construction and building trades industry.

The National Labor College (NLC) Scholars Program is a collaboration among NLC, MCPS, Montgomery College, and the Building and Construction Trade Unions, supported by a grant from the Kellogg Foundation.

The two-week program, to be held June 19–30, 2006, provides opportunities for a diverse group of highly motivated and high-achieving MCPS high school graduates to continue their educations at local colleges. At the same time, they can prepare for quality careers in one of the 17 building and construction trades. Any graduating MCPS senior is eligible to apply.

Participants who successfully complete “Summer Seminar: Career Options in the Trades” provided at NLC receive academic credit from Montgomery College; training to qualify for OSHA safety certification; a stipend to defray participant cost; direct instruction in the areas of applied reading, writing and analytical skills needed for the range of career pathways offered; information about opportunities offered by joint apprenticeship and union-sponsored training programs; and an understanding of the linkages between these pathways and the various options in moving toward two- and/or four-year college degrees.

For more information and an application packet, contact Lisa Blevins, NLC Scholarship Coordinator, National Labor College Scholars Program, National Labor College—George Meany Campus, 10000 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20903, 301-431-5402.

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