Board of Education Appoints Three Administrators

July 31, 2006
Termination of Grafton School Lease Is Approved

The Board of Education met on Thursday, July 27, 2006, and, among other items, appointed three administrators and approved the termination of the Grafton School’s lease at the former Montrose Elementary School.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

Kevin E. Lowndes, currently assistant principal, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, as principal, Wheaton High School

Jody L. Smith, currently principal intern, Flower Hill Elementary School, as principal, Chevy Chase Elementary School

Genevieve L. Floyd, currently assistant principal, Northwest High School, as special assistant to the deputy superintendent, Office of Information and Organizational Systems

Montrose Center—Settlement Agreement with Grafton School

The Board authorized the president and secretary of the Board of Education to execute a settlement agreement to terminate the Grafton School’s lease at the former Montrose Elementary School. During the 2005-2006 school year, Grafton closed its program at the facility for financial reasons and asked to be released from its lease obligations. The Grafton program served adolescents with developmental disabilities, and a request for proposals is being developed with Department of Health and Human Services and County Council staff to identify a new provider of these services. Short-term placements were found for students who were enrolled in the Grafton School at the time of its closure.

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