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Board of Education Seeks Applicants for Career and Technology Education Advisory Council
Applicants must be Montgomery County residents. Members serve without compensation and meet the second Wednesday of each month. Appointments are for three years effective July 1. In recognition of existing vacancies, the Board of Education has decided to make appointments in March, effectively extending terms by three months.
The 18-member council advises the Board of Education and each post secondary institution in the county that receives federal funding for vocational-technical education programs on: (1) the distribution of vocational-technical education funds; (2) county vocational-technical education program accountability reports; (3) county job needs; and (4) the adequacy of vocational-technical programs being offered.
The Board of Education makes every effort to appoint advisory committees that are balanced by geographic area, race, gender, and range of viewpoints. Applications are due by close of business on February 25, 2000, for appointments to be made at the end of March. To obtain an application for this committee, see the link below, or call the Board office at 301-279-3302. Students wishing to apply should contact the Student Affairs Office at 301-279-4957.
The Career and Technology Education Advisory Council Application (@7K) is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (see link below). If you would like to view and print Acrobat files, Adobe Systems Inc. distributes the free Acrobat Reader application at www.adobe.com.
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