Poolesville HS to Offer First Whole-School Magnet

September 6, 2006
Students to Choose Path of Study from Global Ecology, Humanities, or Science, Mathematics, Computer Science

With the opening of the 2006-2007 school year, Poolesville High School will serve upcounty students as the first whole-school magnet model in a Montgomery County high school. The addition of the Poolesville program expands the number of magnet program spots for highly able students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS).

Poolesville High School will join two current high school magnets—the International Baccalaureate at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville and the Science, Mathematics, Computer Science Magnet at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring—in offering a rigorous instructional program for highly motivated and capable students.

Poolesville’s new magnet programs will begin with Grade 9, and will be phased in over four years to include Grades 10-12.

In the Poolesville program, about 280 students in grade 9 are enrolled. They include all 130 students who live in the Poolesville attendance area and 150 who tested into the program from the nine upcounty high school clusters. Every Grade 9 student can choose from one of three “houses,” or courses of study. The courses of study are global ecology; humanities; and science, mathematics, computer science. Students may change their course of study in later years after consulting with school staff.

Each “house” offers advanced and on-level variations of the courses. Students can enroll in any course for which they qualify and where space is available. About 200 of the 280 students are taking more challenging and rigorous certificate courses, and will receive a Certificate of Achievement after successfully completing them. Students selecting the on-level courses will have more course options available to them than in a typical high school program.

Below is more detail on each of the three courses of study.

• Global Ecology: Students will have the opportunity to specialize in environmental science and social studies, focused on human impact on the natural environment. They will develop field, laboratory, and research skills in the sciences.

• Humanities: Courses will focus on an interdisciplinary connection among English, social studies, communications, and fine arts. Students will deepen their skills in oral and written communication and develop top-quality print, photo, and video products.

• Science, Mathematics, Computer Science: Students will focus on the problem-solving requirements of engineering and better develop skills in analysis and laboratory investigations.

Students in their junior and senior years also will have the opportunity to conduct a long-term, interdisciplinary research project.

To learn more about accelerated and enriched programs, visit the special programs Web site at the link below.

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