Board Reviews Grading and Reporting Update

September 15, 2006
The Board of Education met on Thursday, September 14, 2006, and, among other items, reviewed an update on the grading and reporting policy, discussed the opening of school, and appointed four administrators. The Board also recommended the formation of a bargaining unit representing noncertificated supervisory employees and approved the observance of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Update on the Implementation of the Grading and Reporting Policy

This is the third year of phased-in implementation of Policy IKA, Grading and Reporting. The Board reviewed the status of the policy’s implementation in the 2005-2006 school year and an outline of implementation steps taking place in the current school year. Major components are field testing of standards-based electronic report cards; a web-based grading and reporting system; and clarified procedures for reteaching/reassessment, homework, and grading. Field testing of standards-based grading and reporting in grades 1 and 2 continues in 19 schools this year. In 2007-2008, all MCPS schools with grades 1 and 2 will implement electronic standards-based procedures and standards-based report cards for students in those grades. Extensive data from users and advisory groups has been collected in order to guide changes and improvements.

Opening of School

The Board and staff members reviewed highlights of the first week of the 2006-2007 school year. Principals of three of the five schools that are new this year shared their experiences in preparing their buildings for the opening of school.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

• Juan M. Cardenas, currently project manager, Department of Communications, as team leader, Department of Communications

• Emmanuel Caulk, currently principal, Newark High School, Christina School District, Wilmington, Delaware, as supervisor of alternative programs, Department of Student Services

• Elizabeth Grace Chesney, currently coordinator, Middle School Initiatives, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs, as coordinator, Student Assessment, Department of Shared Accountability

• Nicola Diamond Milwit, currently administrative assistant, Office of Organizational Development, as executive assistant, Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Recommendation to Approve Formation of Bargaining Unit of Noncertificated Supervisory Employees

The Board approved a process to begin negotiations on the formation of a bargaining unit of noncertificated supervisory employees. The superintendent will report the status of the negotiations to the Board at its October 10, 2006, meeting.

Hispanic Heritage Month

The Board declared the period of September 15 to October 15, 2006, to be observed as Hispanic Heritage Month, in recognition of the contributions of Hispanic Americans or Latinos to the present and future success of Montgomery County, the state of Maryland, and the nation.

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