Board Tentatively Approves Update to Master Plan

September 26, 2006
The Board of Education met on Monday, September 25, 2006, and, among other items, approved an administrative appointment and tentatively approved the Comprehensive Master Plan. The Board also proclaimed October 4 as Walk to School Day in Montgomery County.

Comprehensive Master Plan

The Board tentatively approved the Comprehensive Master Plan, submitted annually to the Maryland State Department of Education as a requirement of the Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act of 2002. Final approval of the updated five-year plan is expected when required student test results are released by the state and can be incorporated into the master plan document. Our Call to Action: Pursuit of Excellence—The Strategic Plan for the Montgomery County Public Schools 2006-2011 has served as the basis for updating the state-mandated master plan.


The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

Deirdria A. Roberson, currently director, Government Affairs and Community Relations, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as director, Division of Family and Community Partnerships

Walk to School Day

The Board proclaimed October 4 as Walk to School Day in Montgomery County, encouraging the public and school communities to be attentive to the safety of pedestrians and, in particular, student walkers. A number of schools will be participating in Walk to School Day events on October 4 to promote safety and physical fitness.

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