Agreement To Expand College-Level Opportunity

October 16, 2006
State Universities, Community College, Public Schools Team Up to Boost Early College Opportunities for Montgomery County High School Students

University System of Maryland, Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools Forge New Agreement to Expand Higher Education Partnerships with High Schools

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Jerry D. Weast, University System of Maryland Chancellor William E. Kirwan, and Montgomery College President Charlene R. Nunley will sign an agreement to pave the way for the expansion of partnerships that will give students more opportunities for early exposure to college courses and college life.

The event will take place at Thomas S. Wootton High School on Wednesday, October 18, at 1:00 p.m.

Through the agreement, MCPS, the University System of Maryland, and Montgomery College will work cooperatively to increase the number of college-level programs and coursework available for MCPS students. Its goal is to provide all students capable of college-level work, including those students from traditionally underrepresented groups, with the opportunity to take courses while still in high school and to be exposed to college-level experiences. The increased communication that will result from the partnership should help ease the transition and matriculation of MCPS students to Montgomery College and state colleges and universities within the University System of Maryland, as well as to other higher education institutions.

The signing ceremony will take place at Wootton High School, one of four MCPS schools that currently hosts The College Institute program. The College Institute brings Montgomery College courses directly to high-achieving MCPS high school seniors. College professors teach their courses in the high schools, giving students the opportunity to earn college credits before leaving high school. Wootton was the first school to host the program, beginning in 2002. The College Institute program has since expanded to three other County high schools – Gaithersburg, Kennedy and Seneca Valley – and has served more than 1,100 students since its inception.

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