Project Lead The Way Students Are Recognized

February 16, 2007
MCPS Highlights Project Lead The Way Pre-Engineering Program at Wheaton High School

Successful National Program Piloted at Seven High Schools Provides Opportunity To Earn 15 College Credits

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will highlight the success of a rigorous pre-engineering program, Project Lead The Way, as part of the celebration of National Engineers Week at Wheaton High School on Thursday, February 22. The recognition program will take place from 8:30 a.m. to10:00 a.m. in the high school auditorium.

Project Lead The Way was launched at Wheaton High School in the fall of 2002. The first group of MCPS students to complete the program attend Wheaton and will graduate in June. The program is available at six other MCPS high schools, including Col. Zadok Magruder, Paint Branch, Poolesville, Rockville, Watkins Mill, and Walt Whitman.

Representatives from education, business, and postsecondary education, including the Maryland State Department of Education; the Montgomery County Career Cluster Advisory Board for Engineering; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and Montgomery College will participate in the recognition ceremony.

Project Lead The Way includes a four-year sequence of courses and provides an opportunity for students to earn 15 college credits while in high school. College credits are accepted at more than 25 universities from across the nation, including Duke, Penn State, Purdue, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

For additional information, contact Shelley Johnson, director, MCPS Division of Career and Technology Education, at 240-375-6281/ or Ed Ball, coordinator, Engineering Programs, at 240-632-6932/ More information about the national Project Lead The Way program is at the link below.

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