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Board Meeting Summary -- February 8, 2000 Board Approves Amended Fiscal Year 2001 Operating Budget Proposal, Reviews Reports on Early Childhood Initiatives and Curriculum Revision
The Board reviewed an update on the Early Childhood Collaboration Initiative and was briefed on upcoming programs and plans of the Collaboration Council. The Board also reviewed a report by the Workgroup on Curricular and Instructional Materials, voted positions on upcoming legislation in the Maryland General Assembly, and reviewed the monthly financial report.
Adoption of Proposed Operating Budget
The Board approved a proposed amended Fiscal Year 2001 operating budget request of $1.2 million. The budget will be presented to the county executive and the County Council for final approval. (See separate news release for details, including three amendments offered by Board members and amendments reflecting negotiated agreements.)
Negotiated Agreement Amendments to Operating Budget
The Board voted to increase the Fiscal Year 2001 operating budget request by $30,434,190 to reflect the cost of tentative negotiated agreements between the Board and the Montgomery County Association of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel. (MCAASP), Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA), and Montgomery County Council of Supporting Services Employees (MCCSSE).
Policy IFB, Citizen Review of Curricular and Instructional Materials
The Board discussed the need for early involvement of the community and Board of Education in the process of revision and development of curriculum. A broad-based Curriculum Advisory Committee has been convened to provide input and recommendations regarding proposed changes. A complete curriculum audit, beginning with the pre Kindergarten through Grade 12 mathematics program, has been initiated by the superintendent. Given these alterations and on-going changes in the process, revision of Policy IFB, "Citizen Review of Curricular and Instructional Materials" was not recommended at this time.
Early Childhood Collaboration Initiative
The Board reviewed an update on the Early Childhood Collaboration initiative to align government, education, and private services in Montgomery County to prepare children for success in Kindergarten. The Montgomery County Collaboration Council briefed the Board on its programs to support the health, education, and welfare of preschool age children.
Workgroup on Recruitment, Retention and Career Enhancement
The Board reviewed the report and recommendations of the Work Group on Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Career Enhancement. Eight of the group's 26 recommendations were classified as major policy recommendations, representing significant change in MCPS policy, significant cost, or deemed by the group to be of critical importance in recruitment and retention of teachers.
Items of Legislation
The Board approved positions on items of legislation pending before the Maryland General Assembly.
Monthly Financial Report: The Board reviewed the monthly financial report and year-end projections that reflect the actual financial condition as of December 31, 1999 and projections through June 30, 2000.
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