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Board Meeting Summary, 3/14/00 Board Denies Charter School Application, Ratifies Agreement with Employee Organization, Reviews Report on Middle School Education
The Board also set summer school and other fees, took positions on items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly, and recognized the Division of Food and Nutrition Services for two Best Practices awards from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Negotiated Agreement with MCCSSE
The Board and the leadership of the Montgomery County Council of Supporting Services Employees (MCCSSE) joined in signing the recently negotiated agreement between the Board and the employee organization. The agreement is for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2003.
Charter School
After a lengthy discussion, the Board voted to deny provisional approval of the application for the Jaime Escalante Public Charter School.
Middle School Education
The Board reviewed a report outlining a course of action to make middle school more challenging and rigorous to students and asked that a consolidated plan for the middle school curriculum be provided for Board review in September.
CIP Alternatives
Amendments to the Capital Improvements Program were discussed and alternatives to facilities and boundaries recommendations were added for consideration at the Board's March 21 public hearing and March 22nd facilities meeting.
CIP Amendment for Relocatable Classrooms
The Board requested an emergency appropriation of $2.36 million for relocatable classrooms to support projected enrollment growth and the implementation of full-day Kindergarten and class-size reduction initiatives in 28 elementary schools.
CIP Educational Technology
The Board voted to revise the adopted FY 2001 Capital Budget and FY 2001-2006 Capital Improvements Program request for educational technology in order to accelerate the Global Access program and provide the necessary matching funds for state Technology in Maryland Schools funding.
Fees for Fiscal Year 2001 were approved for summer school, adult education, and general education development (GED) programs.
Items of Legislation
The Board approved positions on items of legislation pending before the Maryland General Assembly.
Food Nutrition Awards
The Board recognized the MCPS Division of Food Services for receiving two Best Practices Awards from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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