Board of Education to Meet on Thursday, May 30

May 28, 2013
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Thursday, May 30, 2013, at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m., with public items expected to begin at 6 p.m. The public portion of the meeting will be broadcast live on the MCPS website and on MCPS TV (Comcast Channel 34).

The agenda for the meeting is below. The full agenda, with links to related materials, can be found on
the Board of Education website.

Montgomery County Board of Education Agenda
Thursday, May 30, 2013

(A) Action
(D) Discussion
(I) Information
(R) Recognition

5:00 p.m.: Acknowledgment of a Quorum
 1.1 Resolution for Today’s Closed Session (A)

6:00 p.m.: Pledge of Allegiance
 2.1 Approval of the Agenda (A)
 2.2 Champions for Children Awards (A)
 2.3 Recognition of the Asian American Education Association
Scholarship Recipients (A)
 2.4 Recognition of MCPS Higher Education Partnerships (A)
 2.5 MCPS Counselor of the Year Award Winners (A)

6:15 p.m.: Public Comments

6:45 p.m.: Human Resources and Development
 3.1 Appointments (A)
 3.2 Retirement of MCPS Personnel (A)

7:00 p.m.: Board/Superintendent Comments

7:15 p.m.: Consent Items
 4.1.1 Contracts of $25,000 or More (A)#
 4.1.2 Contract Approval for Bid No. 9139.1, Refrigerated and Frozen
 Foods--Extension (A)#

 4.2.1 Award of Contracts--Relocatable Classrooms (A)#
 4.2.2 FY 2014 Supplemental Appropriation and Amendment to the
 FY 2013-18 Capital Improvements Program for the School
 Security Project (A)#

 4.3.1 Prescription Program for Medicare-eligible Retirees (A)#
 4.3.2 Award of Contract for Medical Plans (A)#
 4.3.3 Award of Contract for Prescription Drug Plan (A)#

7:20 p.m.: Update on the Montgomery County Public Schools 2014-2016 Strategic Technology Plan (D)

9:15 p.m.: Board of Education Items
 6.1 Future Closed Session Resolution (A)
 6.2 Report of Previous Closed Session (A)
 6.3 Appeals (A)
 6.4 New Business

9:30 p.m.: Adjournment (A)

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