MCPS Business Practices Recognized Nationally

August 15, 2014
For the third straight year, the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Procurement Unit has been recognized for its commitment to organizational excellence.

The Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award is given by the National Procurement Institute and is based on criteria that measure innovation, professionalism, and productivity.

The MCPS Procurement Unit is only one of five government agencies in Maryland and one of 23 school districts in the U.S. to receive the award.

Earlier this year, MCPS business practices were honored with two other significant awards. The system was recognized with a Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. MCPS has received this honor, the highest of its kind for governmental accounting and financial reporting, for 10 consecutive years.

The Fiscal Year 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) was also recognized by the Association of School Business Officers for excellence in financial reporting for the 33rd consecutive year. This program recognizes school districts that abide by sound principles and reporting procedures.  

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