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School Closing Announcements Include Variety of Media
* All radio and television news stations and print media
* FirstClass Emergency Messages
* MCPS website at www.mcps.k12.md.us
* Regional website at www.schools-out.com (which will forward an e-mail message on a registered listserve once the announcement is posted)
* MCPS cable television on Channel 60 (converter box), Channel 6 (cable ready) or Channel 34 (digital)
* MCPS information telephone line at 301-279-3673
All announcements are made as early as possible either on the day of the weather emergency or the night before. Weekend decisions are made by the county's Interagency Coordinating Board for the use of public facilities, but the same media list is used.
The following is a summary of the protocol for closed schools, delayed openings, and early closures.
* Closed schools: When schools are closed, all school and community activities are canceled, including athletic practices and events. Private day care providers in schools may elect to stay open if the administrative offices are open. In extreme conditions, the administrative offices may be closed.
* Delayed opening: Schools may open two hours late, and all operations including bus transportation are delayed by two hours from the regular schedule. Morning kindergarten, Head Start, EEEP classes, other early childhood programs, and field trips are canceled. Other activities and programs that begin at 10:30 or earlier (such as the Thomas Edison High School of Technology) are canceled.
* Early closing: Schools may be closed 2.5 hours early, and all operations affecting dismissal of students including bus transportation will be activated 2.5 hours earlier than the regular school closing time. Afternoon kindergarten , Head Start, EEEP classes, and other early childhood programs are canceled. School and community activities for the afternoon and evening are canceled.
For the regional website, see the link below:
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