Board Approves Revised Capital Improvements Request, Reviews Management Audit of Transportation

April 4, 2001
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, April 3] and, among other items, approved a revised Fiscal Year 2001 State Capital Improvements Program request and reviewed the Inspector General's Management Audit of Transportation and the Construction Status Report. In addition, the Board recognized winners of the 2001 Hispanic Heritage Awards and discussed items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly. The Board also approved an administrative appointment and the observances of the Month of the Young Child and Secretaries Week.

Revised State Capital Improvements Program Request for Fiscal Year 2001

The Board voted to revise its Fiscal Year 2001 State Capital Improvement Program request reflecting allocation of additional funds recommended by the Interagency Committee on School Construction.

Items of Legislation

The Board reviewed the status of items of legislation pending before the Maryland General Assembly.


John C. Marshall, currently program development manager, Veridian Corporation, as supervisor, Electronic Graphics and Publishing Services.

Construction Status Report

The Board reviewed an update of major construction projects scheduled for completion this summer, including three modernizations, five additions, and one new school. Although several projects are running behind schedule primarily due to labor market conditions, all but the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School modernization are expected to be completed in time for the opening of school.

Inspector General's Management Audit of Transportation

The Board discussed the performance audit of the Department of Transportation conducted by the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General and addressed the recommended areas for improvement in the report and the Department of Transportation's responses.

Financial Report

The Board reviewed the financial report as of February 28, 2001 and projections through June 30, 2001.

Month of the Young Child

The Board proclaimed April 2001 as the Month of the Young Child, recognizing the importance for future success of a child's development during the first five years of life.

Secretaries Week

The Board approved the observance of Secretaries' Week by the school system during the week of April 22 through April 28, and designated Wednesday, April 25, as Secretaries' Day.

2001 Hispanic Heritage Award

Six high school students who were Washington, D.C. regional recipients of the 2001 Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards for excellence in academics, the arts, sports, or community service were recognized by the Board.

Board of Education: Board of Education: Mrs. Nancy J. King, president; Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Ms. Sharon W. Cox, Mr. Reginald M. Felton, Mr. Walter N. Lange, Mrs. Patricia B. O'Neill, and Mr. Christopher A. Lloyd, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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