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Board Approves Non-Recommended Reductions to Operating Budget Request, Appoints Principal and Director of Special Education
Non-Recommended Reductions to the Operating Budget
The Board approved a prioritized list of non-recommended reductions to the Fiscal Year 2002 Operating Budget request totaling $26,414,529. The three-tiered list includes savings and efficiencies ($7,741,829), multiyear initiatives requested by the Board of Education identified for deferral until Fiscal Year 2003 ($12,420,544), and reductions and elimination of current services ($6,252,156).
Policy on Board of Education Advisory Committees
The Board took tentative action to adopt draft policy BMA, Board of Education Advisory Committees, which combines three existing policies into an overall policy on Board advisory committees.
-Mary Holly Allison, currently interim principal, Germantown Elementary School, as principal, Germantown Elementary School.
-Barbara A. Jasper, currently acting director, Department of Special Education, Office of Student and Community Services, as director, Department of Special Education.
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
The Board approved the observance in May 2001 of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Asian Pacific Americans to the country and the county.
National Volunteer Week
The Board designated the week of April 22-28 as National Volunteer Week in Montgomery County in recognition of the commitment to schools and young people of volunteers and volunteer coordinators. During the prior school year, more than 41,000 volunteers gave two million hours of service and provided the equivalent of 961 full-time, 12-month employees. If a dollar value were attached to this service, the sum would be more than $20 million.
School Leadership Week
The Board designated the week of April 22-28 as Student Leadership Week in Montgomery County in recognition of the achievements of student leaders on behalf of Montgomery County Public Schools.
Legislative Update
A summary of action taken during the 2001 session of the Maryland General Assembly was discussed by the Board.
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