Schools Receive State Performance Recognition

December 6, 2002
One hundred forty-two MCPS elementary and middle schools have earned financial awards for improvement through the revised Maryland School Performance Recognition Program. The individual schools garnered a total of $420,673.89.

The awards recognize schools throughout the state that are making substantial progress toward achieving state standards for school performance, based on the 2000-01 Maryland School Performance Report.

The Maryland State Board of Education recently approved revisions to the criteria to be used this year for distributing the financial awards. The revisions begin a transition period during which the Maryland State Department of Education will work to incorporate the Maryland School Assessment and the High School Assessments, and will place a stronger focus on disaggregated data, as required by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Criteria now include improvement in the performance of minority groups, students receiving free and reduced-price meals, and other demographic categories.

NOTE: These awards are based on the 2001 Maryland School Performance Report, not the 2002 data released by the Maryland State Department of Education on December 5, 2002.

Maryland School Performance Recognition Program

Montgomery County Public Schools

School System Total: $420,673.89

Total Number of Schools: 142

Alternative Programs $1,257.62
Argyle Middle $628.81
Ashburton Elementary $1,886.43

Bannockburn Elementary $1,886.43
Beall Elementary $1,886.43
Bells Mill Elementary $1,886.43
Belmont Elementary $1,257.62
Benjamin Banneker Middle $628.81
Bethesda Elementary $1,886.43
Beverly Farms Elementary $4,401.67
Bradley Hills Elementary $3,144.05
Briggs Chaney Middle $3,144.05
Broad Acres Elementary $8,174.53
Brookhaven Elementary $1,257.62
Brown Station Elementary $1,257.62
Burning Tree Elementary $1,257.62
Burnt Mills Elementary $3,144.05
Burtonsville Elementary $5,030.48

Cabin John Elementary $2,515.24
Candlewood Elementary $2,515.24
Cannon Road Elementary $2,515.24
Captain James E. Daly Elementary $3,772.86
Cedar Grove Elementary $1,886.43
Chevy Chase Elementary $4,401.67
Clearspring Elementary $2,515.24
Clopper Mill Elementary $2,515.24
Cloverly Elementary $1,257.62
Col. E. Brooke Lee Middle $1,257.62
College Gardens Elementary $6,916.91
Cresthaven Elementary $3,144.05

Damascus Elementary $1,257.62
Diamond Elementary $5,030.48
Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary $3,772.86
Dr. Sally K. Ride Elementary $1,886.43
Dufief Elementary $3,144.05

Earle B. Wood Middle $5,030.48
Eastern Middle $3,144.05

Fairland Elementary $4,401.67
Fallsmead Elementary $1,257.62
Farmland Elementary $3,772.86
Fields Road Elementary $1,886.43
Flower Hill Elementary $1,886.43
Flower Valley Elementary $3,772.86
Forest Knolls Elementary $4,401.67
Forest Oak Middle $5,659.29
Fox Chapel Elementary $3,144.05
Francis Scott Key Middle $628.81

Gaithersburg Elementary $628.81
Gaithersburg Middle $5,659.29
Galway Elementary $3,772.86
Garrett Park Elementary $3,144.05
Georgian Forest Elementary $3,772.86
Glen Haven Elementary $1,257.62
Glenallan Elementary $1,886.43
Goshen Elementary $5,659.29
Greencastle Elementary $1,257.62
Greenwood Elementary $628.81

Harmony Hills Elementary $5,030.48
Herbert Hoover Middle $3,144.05
Highland Elementary $3,772.86
Highland View Elementary $1,257.62

Jackson Road Elementary $6,916.91
John H. Poole Middle $2,515.24
John T. Baker Middle $1,886.43
Jones Lane Elementary $1,886.43
Judith A. Resnik Elementary $1,886.43
Julius West Middle $2,515.24

Kemp Mill Elementary $1,257.62
Kensington-Parkwood Elementary $1,886.43
Kingsview Elementary $1,257.62

Lake Seneca Elementary $628.81
Lakewood Elementary $1,886.43
Laytonsville Elementary $4,401.67
Lois P. Rockwell Elementary $1,257.62
Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary $5,030.48
Luxmanor Elementary $2,515.24

Martin Luther King Jr. Middle $3,772.86
Maryvale Elementary $5,659.29
Meadow Hall Elementary $1,886.43
Mill Creek Towne Elementary $1,886.43
Monocacy Elementary $628.81
Montgomery Village Middle $3,772.86

Neelsville Middle $3,144.05
North Chevy Chase Elementary $1,886.43

Oak View Elementary $1,886.43
Oakland Terrace Elementary $6,288.10
Olney Elementary $3,772.86

Parkland Middle $1,257.62
Pine Crest Elementary $6,916.91
Piney Branch Elementary $3,772.86
Poolesville Elementary $628.81

Rachel Carson Elementary $3,772.86
Redland Middle $3,144.05
Regional Institute for Children & Adolescents $628.81
Ridgeview Middle $1,257.62
Ritchie Park Elementary $1,886.43
Robert Frost Middle $2,515.24
Roberto W. Clemente Middle $2,515.24
Rock Creek Forest Elementary $1,886.43
Rock Creek Valley Elementary $1,886.43
Rock View Elementary $3,772.86
Rocky Hill Middle $1,886.43
Rolling Terrace Elementary $1,257.62
Ronald A. McNair Elementary $2,515.24
Rosa M. Parks Elementary $5,030.48
Rosemont Elementary $3,772.86

S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary $1,257.62
Sequoyah Elementary $5,659.29
Seven Locks Elementary $1,886.43
Sherwood Elementary $1,886.43
Sligo Creek Elementary $3,144.05
Somerset Elementary $628.81
South Lake Elementary $5,030.48
Stedwick Elementary $5,659.29
Stone Mill Elementary $1,886.43
Stonegate Elementary $5,030.48
Strathmore Elementary $2,515.24
Strawberry Knoll Elementary $8,174.53
Summit Hall Elementary $2,515.24

Takoma Park Middle $4,401.67
Thomas W. Pyle Middle $6,288.10
Thurgood Marshall Elementary $5,659.29
Tilden Middle $628.81
Travilah Elementary $628.81
Twinbrook Elementary $8,174.53

Viers Mill Elementary $4,401.67

Washington Grove Elementary $2,515.24
Waters Landing Elementary $4,401.67
Watkins Mill Elementary $3,772.86
Wayside Elementary $1,886.43
Weller Road Elementary $1,257.62
Westbrook Elementary $1,886.43
Westland Middle $3,772.86
Westover Elementary $2,515.24
Wheaton Woods Elementary $5,030.48
Whetstone Elementary $628.81
White Oak Middle $4,401.67
William H. Farquhar Middle $3,772.86
William Tyler Page Elementary $5,030.48
Wood Acres Elementary $1,257.62
Woodfield Elementary $1,257.62
Woodlin Elementary $5,030.48

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