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(December 13, 2006)
The Board of Education met on Tuesday (December 12) and, among other items, elected a president and vice president and approved the school calendar for 2007-2008. Also approved were Board committee ap ...(more)
Participation and Performance Levels in Advanced Placement Exams by MCPS Students Set New Records Increases Are Seen in All Student Demographic Groups The Class of 2006 broke Advanced Placemen ...(more)
Superintendent Proposes $1.98 Billion FY 2008 Operating Budget Previous Budget Investments Help Class of 2006 Set New Record for Advanced Placement (AP) Participation and Performance Superinten ...(more)
(December 12, 2006)
Shirley Brandman Will Serve as Vice President of the Board Nancy Navarro was elected president of the Board of Education on the first ballot by a seven-vote majority, and Shirley Brandman was elect ...(more)
(December 11, 2006)
Winston Churchill High School Is One of Six Schools Named a Maryland Blue Ribbon School Winston Churchill High School in Potomac has been named a Maryland No Child Left Behind/Blue Ribbon School of ...(more)
(December 09, 2006)
UPDATE: Mr. Barclay was sworn in by Clerk of the Court Loretta Knight on Monday, December 11, at 10:30 a.m. The ceremony took place in the office of the clerk of the court. Christopher S. Barclay h ...(more)
(December 08, 2006)
Agenda 9:00 a.m. 1.0 Acknowledgment of a Quorum 1.1 Resolution for Closed Sessions (A) 10:00 Election of Officers 10:15 2.0 Pledge of Allegiance (A) 2.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 2.2 Nati ...(more)
(December 07, 2006)
MCPS and Employee Associations Reach Tentative Agreement on Salary Increases for Employees Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has reached tentative agreement with its three employee associatio ...(more)
(December 06, 2006)
The Board of Education has issued the following schedule for interviews of the five candidates for the District 4 vacancy on the Board of Education. Following the interviews, the Board will vote to ap ...(more)
New Web Site Helps Students Get Ready for English and Algebra High School Assessments HSA Prep Online Features Practice Questions and Feedback on Responses Students have a powerful new way to pr ...(more)
(December 04, 2006)
Board of Education Schedules Interviews of Five Candidates for Vacant District 4 Seat on December 9 Board Will Appoint Member to Fill the Seat Left Vacant by the Election of Valerie Ervin to the Co ...(more)
(December 01, 2006)
Superintendent Jerry D. Weast will present the proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Operating Budget to the Board of Education and the community at Rockville High School on Wednesday, December 13, at 7:30 p.m. A ...(more)
(November 28, 2006)
Swearing-In Ceremony for Newly Elected Members of the Board of Education Set for December 1 Retiring Members of the Board Also Will Be Honored Newly elected members of the Board of Education, Sh ...(more)
Members of the Board of Education and Superintendent Jerry D. Weast will meet with the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils, the Montgomery County Junior Councils, ...(more)
(November 22, 2006)
The Board of Education has requested community comment regarding its revised Policy JFA, Student Rights and Responsibilities, which sets forth the scope of student rights and responsibilities, privile ...(more)