Identification Badges

August 24, 1999
All Montgomery County Public Schools high school staff and students and nonschool-based staff soon will be required to wear identification (ID) badges.

The use of badges is one of several ways the school system is moving to enhance the security in all buildings and support a safe learning environment in schools.

Photo ID badges for staff and students, along with badges for all visitors to schools, were strongly recommended by the National Alliance for Safe Schools in their assessment of security in MCPS last spring. The use of ID badges also was supported by an MCPS workgroup reviewing the report's recommendations.

All nonschool-based staff will be contacted by the end of October to have their badges prepared. Full implementation of the ID badge program for high school students and staff should take place no later than February 2000. School/student picture companies who have contracts with secondary schools have indicated that they will provide ID badges as well as student pictures on CD ROM at no additional charge. At least 11 high schools will have the capability of producing their own ID badges this fall.

There will be voluntary implementation during the 1999-2000 school year for middle school staff and students, if schools and communities are ready.

The ID badge program is being coordinated through the Division of School Security.

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