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Board Endorses Reorganization Plan, Reviews Special Education Report, Approves Request for Supplemental Appropriation
Reorganization Plan
The Board voted to endorse Superintendent Jerry D. Weast's plan for reorganization of the central administration of Montgomery County Public Schools. The reorganization is designed to support improvement of student achievement and to close the performance disparity among students when disaggregated by race and ethnicity. The changes will produce an organization in which all of the school system's resources and assets are focused on schools. Groups of schools will be supported by a matrix organization of teams, each reporting to a community superintendent. Three deputy superintendent-level positions will oversee organizational development, education, and school system operations. A related educational plan is being developed that will focus on maintaining high academic standards and student performance, accelerating instruction, and improving achievement of low-performing students.
Special Education Review
A Classical Program Review of Special Education examined a range of issues related to the delivery of special education services within the school system. The review committee identified many positive aspects of the MCPS special education program, including a high degree of parent satisfaction with special education services. The committee also made recommendations for improvement and identified benchmark indicators of program quality that will be used to monitor and improve services to students and enhance collaboration with parents and the community.
Capital Budget Supplemental Appropriation
The Board approved a request for a FY 2000 Capital Budget emergency supplemental appropriation and amendment to the FY 1999-2004 Capital Improvements Program in the amount of $10.5 million for the current modernization program. The request will be forwarded to the county executive and County Council for action.
American Indian Heritage Month
American Indian Heritage Month will be celebrated during November in Montgomery County Public Schools. The Board recognized the important contributions of American Indian parents, students, and staff to the success of the school system.
Recognition of Beatrice Gordon
Board member Beatrice Gordon was honored by her colleagues for her work in support of student achievement during her recently completed term as president of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education.
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