Comment Sought on Facilities Planning Policy

March 10, 2005
The Montgomery County Board of Education has requested community comment regarding a revised policy that sets forth the essential components of a long-range educational facilities planning process.

Policy FAA, Long-Range Educational Facilities Planning, articulates the Board’s commitment to long-range planning for the development of educational facilities. The planning process addresses changing enrollment patterns, sustains high quality educational programs, and encourages input from the public.

The proposed policy retains the reporting requirements which mandate an annual publication of the Educational Facilities Master Plan. It also provides clear guidance for an implementing regulation while removing excessive regulatory language from the policy.

Copies of the draft policy and an operational framework containing proposed regulatory language are available from the Public Information Office by calling 301-279-3391 or at the link below.

Individuals who wish to provide comments should respond in writing by May 9, 2005. All responses should be sent to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850. The responses will be shared with the Board of Education.

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