Six Newly-Appointed Community Superintendents to Assume Cluster Assignments Beginning in February

December 17, 1999
Cluster assignments for the six community superintendents appointed recently have been made. Each community superintendent will oversee approximately 30-36 schools. The cluster assignments listed below will be effective February 1, 2000.

Mr. Joseph Headman, Jr.
- Winston Churchill
- Richard Montgomery
- Rockville
- Thomas S. Wootton

Dr. Pamela Hoffler-Riddick

Bethesda-Chevy Chase

Walter Johnson


Walt Whitman

Mr. Donald Kress


Quince Orchard

Seneca Valley


Mr. Louis Martinez



Col. Zadok Magruder

Watkins Mill

Dr. Kimberly Statham

Northeast Consortium:

James Hubert Blake

Paint Branch



Dr. William Wilhoyte

Montgomery Blair

Albert Einstein

John F. Kennedy

Mr. Headman, Mr. Kress, Dr. Statham and Dr. Wilhoyte previously served as directors in the school system's Office of School Administration. Mr. Martinez has been the principal of Watkins Mill High School and Dr. Riddick has been senior director for Research, Testing, and Statistics at Norfolk City Schools.

In order to ensure a smooth change to the new structure and assignments, transition activities will begin in January. During the transition, the community superintendents will meet extensively with school community leaders, as well as with principals and staff in schools within their assigned clusters.

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