Lacey Wins Award for Promoting Excellence

March 16, 2006
Dr. Frieda K. Lacey, deputy superintendent of schools for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), has received the Nancy S. Grasmick Excellence for Minority Achievement Award for her contributions in promoting student excellence and equity in educational opportunity for all students.

The annual awards program, sponsored by the statewide Achievement Initiative for Maryland’s Minority Students (AIMMS) Council, was established in 1999. It honors individuals and groups from education, community, and business organizations.

Dr. Lacey has dedicated her entire career to educating children, from serving as a special education teacher to her current role as deputy superintendent of schools. She has worked with MCPS since 1971.

She has demonstrated support of diverse student groups by motivating the school system to examine the performance of students by subgroup, not just as a whole; ensuring that academic interventions for minority students get the support needed; including strategies in the MCPS strategic plan that address disproportionate identification of minority students for special education; and creating a multi-stakeholder task force to review MCPS policies and practices that may contribute to disproportionate identification of students with disabilities based on race and ethnicity.

MCPS has narrowed the achievement gap and has dramatically increased the percentage of African American and Hispanic students participating in Honors and Advanced Placement courses. Dr. Lacey’s work to increase academic success among minority students includes deploying research-based methods of academic instruction, collaborating with higher education institutions, and directing the development of a strategic measurement and management system.

State Superintendent of Schools Nancy S. Grasmick appointed the AIMMS Council and Steering Committee in 1999. The awards will be presented at the annual ceremony and dinner on April 28.

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