Board of Education To Meet on Monday, May 22

May 19, 2006

6:00 p.m. 1.0 Acknowledgment of a Quorum
1.1 Resolution for Closed Sessions (A)

6:30 p.m. 2.0 Approval of the Agenda (A)
2.1 Margaret Cutler Interages Award (R)
2.2 Champions for Children (A)
2.3 Recognition of the Asian American Education Association
Scholarship Recipients (A)
2.4 The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy, Inc. High
Achievement Scholarship Recipients (A)
2.5 Recommendation to Approve the Amended Agreement with SEIU Local 500 (A)

7:15 Public Comments

7:45 Board/Superintendent Comments

8:00 3.0 Consent Items

3.1.1 Contracts of $25,000 or More (A)#

3.2.1 Utilization of the FY 2006 Provision for Future Supported Projects Funds (A)#
3.2.2 Recommended FY 2006 Supplemental Appropriation for the 21st Century Cybercafe Learning Center
Project at Rockville HS (A)#

8:05 4.0 Human Resources Appointments (A)

8:10 5.0 George Washington Carver HS and Junior College Historical Commemoration (D)

9:10 6.0 Final Action on Policy BNB, Board Staff Management and Operations (D/A)

10:00 7.0 Board of Education Items
7.1 Closed Session Resolution (A)
7.2 Report of Closed Session (A)
7.3 Appeals (A)
7.4 Previous New Business (A)
7.4.1 The Division of Food and Nutrition Services Enterprise Fund (A)
7.5 New Business

10:30 Adjournment (A)

# student vote does not count. Four votes needed for adoption.
* times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.

Future Board of Education Meetings
Thursday, May 25, 7:30 p.m., Meeting with an Alternative Center
Tuesday, June 13, 10:00 a.m., All-day Business Meeting
This agenda is available in an alternative format upon request, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, by contacting the Public Information
Office at 301-279-3391 or 1-800-735-2258 (Maryland Relay). Individuals who need special accommodations in communicating with the Board
should call 301-279-3617.

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