Important newspaper editorials focus on Algebra 1 results

May 6, 2000
Three important newspaper editorials appeared this week concerning the results of the first semester testing among high school students taking Algebra 1 this year and the financial and community support needed for the school system's new initiatives to improve student achievement in mathematics.

The Board of Education will be discussing this issue at the Board meeting on Tuesday, May 9, beginning at approximately 10:45 a.m. A new report will be issued by the superintendent providing an overview of student performance, the validity of the Algebra 1A final exam, the preparation of students for this critical element of the high school academic program, and a school-by-school analysis of performance data.

The three editorials are:

1. The Washington Post editorial, entitled "Getting Off the Curve," appeared today, Saturday, May 6, and can be accessed at the following web address:

2. The Montgomery Gazette editorial, entitled "Give Schools the Tools to Succeed," appeared on Wednesday, May 3. See the following address:

3. The Montgomery Journal editorial, entitled "Math Meltdown," appeared yesterday, Friday, May 6. See the following address:

[Sorry but no direct link is available here for the Journal site. Please copy and paste the address to access the location link. Links to the other two sites are available below.]

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