Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Students and Staff Detailed

September 24, 2001
At least 113 students and staff of the Montgomery County Public Schools have reported parents, spouses, siblings, cousins, and other relatives who have been declared dead or missing in the September 11th terrorist attacks, according to information released today [Monday, September 24] by Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools.

Based on information collected from individual schools, 85 students and 28 staff members reported the number of relatives as casualties of the airline crashes in New York and Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon. Another 43 students and staff reported friends who have been declared dead or missing. The numbers are considered conservative given the inability to collect some data by today.

Among the casualties were parents of eight students and spouses of two staff members. Two staff members lost a brother or sister. Fifty-three students and four staff members lost an aunt or uncle, while 11 students and 12 staff members lost one or more cousins. Five staff members lost a nephew or niece.

Thirteen students and three staff members had multiple family members or friends listed as dead or missing. Eighteen students and 23 staff members reported that a friend as a casualty. The losses include a former teacher from the school system.

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