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Board of Education to Hold March 7 Public Hearing on Boundary Assessment
The Board will hold a hearing on Thursday, March 7, starting at 6 p.m., to receive community input regarding the scope of work for external consultants who will conduct an in-depth review and analysis of how existing school and cluster boundaries support or impede the effective use of school facilities in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). The Board is seeking feedback on the framework for the assessment of the district’s school and cluster boundaries, and how the consultants will focus their efforts and analysis.
No specific boundary recommendations are under consideration. The purpose of the hearing is to obtain feedback to inform the work of the consultants.
The Board offers the following questions for consideration:
1. As a resident and/or parent, what issues are important to you to include in a review and analysis of school and cluster boundaries?
2. If you could advise the consultants who will be conducting the MCPS boundary analysis, what would you tell the consultants are the greatest concerns among parents about the current attendance zones?
3. What do you want to learn from the boundary analysis?
The hearing will be held at Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. To request a speaking slot, click here. You do not need to sign up to attend.
More information is available here.
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