Staff Directory

Bethesda-Chevy Chase HS

 4301 East-West Highway
Bethesda 20814

Fax: 240-497-6306

Principal - 240-740-0407
Assistant Principals - 240-740-0400
Attendance Office - 240-740-0409
Main Office - 240-740-0400
Business Office - 240-740-0415
Athletic Director - 240-740-0444
Art - 240-740-0436
Building Services - 240-740-0418
Cafeteria - 240-740-0419
Career and Technology Ed. - 240-740-0448
College and Career Center - 240-740-0427
Child Development - 240-740-0345
Counseling - 240-740-0420
English - 240-740-0464
English Language Development - 240-740-0384
International Baccalaureate - 240-740-0429
IB Middle Years Programme - 240-740-0347
IT Support Specialist - 240-740-0447
Mathematics - 240-740-0442
Media Center - 240-740-0449
Music - 240-740-0434
Physical Education/Health - 240-740-0430
Registrar - 240-740-0420
Science - 240-740-0457
Special Education - 240-740-0438
Security - 240-740-0400
Special Ed Paraeducators - 240-740-0438
Speech Pathologist - 240-740-0438
Social Studies - 240-740-0389
Staff Development - 240-740-0360
Testing & AP Coordinator - 240-740-0400
World Languages - 240-740-0386