MCPS Strategic Plan FY 2021-2022

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Our Schools 2021-22

MCPS Demographics

Student Demographics 2021-22

MCPS Demographics

Graduation Rate 2021

Graduation Rate

Services 2021-22


Every four years, the Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) establishes a strategic plan to guide the work of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS).

Below you will find the objectives, targets, and strategies organized into the three priority areas:

It is important to remember that this Strategic Plan was created in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that has affected every aspect of daily life for us all. For these reasons, this Strategic Plan is designed to be a living document. This page will be updated frequently to provide updates.

Academic Excellence

MCPS is committed to preparing all students for success in college, career, and community. In order to do this, it is our responsibility to provide robust coursework, career opportunities, and early access to college credit so students can be successful, whatever their path may be. MCPS will ensure that student outcomes are not predictable by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or educational need.

Improve student achievement in literacy and mathematics


Improve student achievement in literacy and mathematics


  • Develop and train teacher leaders on the use of new pacing guides in literacy and math to support teaching of foundational skills while maintaining grade-level instruction and content standards.
  • Review and monitor a variety of data to determine whether students are making adequate progress in literacy and mathematics and make districtwide recommendations to support schools.
  • Ensure English Learners are receiving instruction at the grade-level standard while receiving English Language development instruction through a co-planning/co-teaching model.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of students meeting Evidence of Learning Literacy 57.9% 65.9% 73.9% 81.9% 90.0%
Percent of students meeting Evidence of Learning Mathematics 55.4% 64.1% 72.7% 81.4% 90.0%
Equity Accountability Model: Academic Achievement Component Overall Score: Literacy 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6
Equity Accountability Model: Academic Achievement Component Overall Score: Mathematics 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Equity Accountability Model: Students With Disabilities Component Overall Score: Literacy 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6
Equity Accountability Model: Students With Disabilities Component Overall Score: Mathematics 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6
Increase the percentage of students graduating high school


Increase the percentage of students graduating high school


  • Ensure there is thorough transition planning for high school students nearing graduation.
  • Transition staff members will conduct check-in meetings with Grade 11 students with disabilities and English Learners to monitor their performance toward graduation and their post-secondary plans.
  • Provide professional learning to school-based staff members on the use of technology to support students with disabilities in their ability to gain access to and demonstrate progress in the grade-level curricular standards.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Four-Year Graduation Rate 89.25% 90.69% 92.13% 93.57% 95.0%
Five-Year Graduation Rate 91.0% 92.0% 93.0% 94.0% 95.0%
Equity Accountability Model: Graduation Rate Component Overall Score 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.0
Increase access to enriched and accelerated opportunities for underrepresented student groups (e.g. FARMS, special education, ESOL)


Increase access to enriched and accelerated opportunities for underrepresented student groups (e.g. FARMS, special education, ESOL)


  • Continue to develop and expand talent development and early engagement/exploration opportunities for students in elementary, middle, and high schools.
  • Employ a universal review process to reduce barriers to access and ensure all students have an opportunity for recommendation to enriched and accelerated programming.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Number of Students Invited to Enroll in Enriched and Accelerated Programs and Courses: Elementary Schools FARMS = 235
Spec Ed = 48
ESOL = 21
Number of Students Invited to Enroll in Enriched and Accelerated Programs and Courses: Middle Schools FARMS = 70
Spec Ed = 12
ESOL = 8
Number of Students Invited to Enroll in Enriched and Accelerated Programs and Courses: High Schools FARMS = 164
Spec Ed = 23
ESOL = 21
Increase Maryland College and Career Readiness rates


Increase Maryland College and Career Readiness rates


  • Ensure there is thorough transition planning for high school students nearing graduation
  • Transition staff members will conduct check-in meetings with Grade 11 students with disabilities and English Learners to monitor their performance toward graduation and their post-secondary plans.
  • Provide professional learning to school-based staff members on the use of technology to support students with disabilities in their ability to gain access to and demonstrate progress in the grade-level curricular standards.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of Students Meeting Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards: Literacy 89.3% 92.0% 94.7% 97.4% 100%
Percent of Students Meeting Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards: Mathematics 81.2% 85.9% 90.6% 95.3% 100%
Improve completion rates to career and technical education programs


Improve completion rates to career and technical education programs


  • Expand access to career and technical education programs through regional programming at Seneca Valley High School, Thomas Edison High School of Technology, and Gaithersburg High School to increase accessibility to students in all parts of the district.
  • Build strategic industry partnerships to expand exposure and opportunities for students towards specific career and technical pathways.
  • Continue outreach, recruitment, and advising strategies for career readiness programs, to increase awareness about the wide array of options available to all students.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of Graduating Class with CTE Program Completion or Earning Industry-recognized credentials 19.9% 26.2% 32.5% 38.8% 45.0%
Increase postsecondary education enrollment


Increase postsecondary education enrollment


  • Increase student participation in postsecondary opportunities such as dual enrollment, Early College, Middle College, and Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES).
  • Expand the use of Naviance, with support to schools from central services, so that student course planning includes the selection of a program completer first and is connected to college majors to increase student understanding of postsecondary opportunities.
  • Continue to grow participation in Montgomery County college fair opportunities such as the Hispanic College Fair, the Historically Black Universities and Colleges Fair, and the National College Fair.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of Graduating Class Enrolling in Postsecondary School 12 months post high school 72.3%
(Class of 2019)
72.3% 73.2% 74.1% 75.0%
Increase career training opportunities for all students


Increase career training opportunities for all students


  • Launch and grow Apprenticeship Maryland, to provide juniors and seniors with youth apprenticeships and pathways to careers while finishing high school.
  • Develop and grow business and industry partnerships to expand opportunities for work-based learning, such as internships and site work experiences for students.
  • Continue expansion of work-based learning, internships, and job coaching for students with IEPs, including partnership programs such as Summer RISE, Academy for Working Students, and Urban Alliance.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of Graduating Class Accessing Work-based Learning 14.8% 22.4% 30% 37.6% 45%

Well-being and Family Support

Well-being and family engagement is an important part of student success. A critical component of this is supporting both staff and students’ social-emotional needs so that everyone is thriving emotionally and academically. Just as important for success is MCPS' commitment to culturally responsive communication that provides all families the information, access, and relationships needed to support their children.

Promote positive, caring, and supportive district and school climates respectful of students and staff


Promote positive, caring, and supportive district and school climates respectful of students and staff


  • Develop a cadre of facilitators to expand the number of schools who organize Study Circles that are designed to bring students, staff, and families together to uncover structural barriers to student success and wellness.
  • Create a cross-functional team to ensure all schools and offices have the resources, training, and support they need to identify and address barriers to having a positive, antiracist, and culturally proficient environment.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Family, Student, and Staff Feedback Surveys New
Percent Completion of District-provided Training for Students and Staff to Promote a Positive School Culture: Students 52% 64% 76% 88% 100%
Percent Completion of District-provided Training for Students and Staff to Promote a Positive School Culture: Staff
District-provided Health and Wellness Programs for Students and Staff New
Implement school-level practices to support effective and efficient behavioral health management systems


Implement school-level practices to support effective and efficient behavioral health management systems


  • Develop Restorative Justice Coach positions and Restorative Justice teams and training to support all middle and high schools.
  • Provide culturally-responsive social-emotional professional learning to all staff, prioritizing ESOL Transition Counselors and other mental health professionals.
  • Develop a cross-functional team to review current discipline practices and policies. The team will design and implement systemic processes to address disproportionate disciplinary responses for Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino students, and students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of Schools Implementing Restorative Practices 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Percent of Schools Implementing Social-Emotional Curricula New
Percent of Office Referrals for Disrespect, Disruption, and Insubordination for Black or African American and Hispanic/Latino Students 64.4%
64.4% 59.6% 54.8% 50%
Percent of Out-of-School Suspensions for Disrespect, Disruption, and Insubordination for Black or African American and Hispanic/Latino Students 79.6%
79.6% 69.7% 59.8% 50%
Implement culturally-responsive family engagement that promotes two-way communication and empowers all families to be partners with MCPS to ensure student learning


Implement culturally-responsive family engagement that promotes two-way communication and empowers all families to be partners with MCPS to ensure student learning


  • Ensure all central and school-based leaders receive professional learning on culturally-responsive family engagement and communication.
  • Establish a process for capturing and analyzing demographic data to determine the effectiveness of and participation in family engagement.
  • Revise the Community Involvement policy to ensure more inclusive and diverse participation in district decision-making processes.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Number of Family Workshops (i.e. Parent Academy, Study Circles) and Community Outreach Events 67 70 73 76 80
Percent of Families with ParentVue Activations 62% 71.5% 81% 90.5% 100%
Percent of Community Stakeholder Groups Represented on District Committees 78.6%
(D-SIIP membership)
84% 89.4% 94.8% 100%
Innovative Communications Strategies Used to Reach Families New

Professional and Operational Excellence

Student success is only possible with the hiring and maintaining of a highly-qualified, diverse, and culturally proficient workforce. MCPS will use targeted recruitment strategies, teacher pathway programs for our supporting services staff, and regular professional development to ensure we have the best educators. Our commitment to effective operations across the district allows schools to maintain their focus on student success. This includes direct support to schools and students’ equal access to resources, stable financial practices, and a commitment to environmental protection.

Increase districtwide, culturally-relevant professional learning for all staff to support our goal of equity and to increase their capacity for teaching


Increase districtwide, culturally-relevant professional learning for all staff to support our goal of equity and to increase their capacity for teaching


  • Analyze the current state of professional learning and gather baseline data on professional learning offered over the summer.
  • Form a cross-office planning committee to plan, design, deliver, support, and evaluate professional learning for the varied stakeholder groups.
  • Create a professional learning and development strategy that includes standards, processes, and structures to support the delivery of high-quality professional learning for all staff.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Number of Teachers and School Leaders Completing District Professional Development Focused on Instructional Strategies 12,635 13,267 13,899 14,531 15,162
Percent Completion of Professional Learning Courses Offered for New Teachers (New Teacher Training) 92% 94% 96% 98% 100%
Staff Participating in Culturally-Relevant Community Engagement Professional Development Opportunity in 19 Identified Community Schools New 100%
Increase professional learning opportunities for teachers and staff in the area of trauma-informed practices in order to support students' social-emotional well-being


Increase professional learning opportunities for teachers and staff in the area of trauma-informed practices in order to support students' social-emotional well-being


  • Recruit, train and support a mental health coordinator to further develop professional development opportunities focused on trauma-informed practices for school staff.
  • Ensure Title I schools are funded to hire a full-time Social Emotional Learning (SEL) coach and non-Title I elementary schools have access to ESSER funds to hire a .5 SEL coach.
  • Support the on boarding and training of SEL coaches as they take on the new role and collaborate with principals to gather feedback on performance and impact.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Number of Professional Development Courses Offered Focused on Trauma-Informed Practices New
Number of Staff Completing Professional Development Courses Focused on Trauma-Informed Practices New
Improve the strategic recruitment strategy in order to increase high-quality workforce diversity


Improve the strategic recruitment strategy in order to increase high-quality workforce diversity


  • Develop and implement a Grow Your Own pipeline of current students to return as teachers and employees.
  • Increase awareness of the Alternative Pathways to Certification program to increase the diversity of teacher candidates.
  • Partner with local teacher preparation programs, including those at the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), to coordinate student teaching placements and vet candidates for hire before they graduate.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Job Fairs Attended for Recruitment of High-quality and Diverse Candidates 13 13 14 15 16
Professional Workforce Diversity Rates

American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Two or More Races

Increase connectivity and satisfaction with MCPS technology


Increase connectivity and satisfaction with MCPS technology


  • Continue to provide mobile hotspots to students who need access to internet.
  • Partner with local service providers to connect families to internet services.
  • Provide parent outreach and training resources for accessing MCPS platforms for student assignments and grades.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Technology Survey on Applications and Platforms Used Across Schools New 85% satisfaction across all stakeholders
Staff, Student, and Family Surveys of Technology Use and Connectivity New 100% connectivity for families
Improve the strategic recruitment strategy in order to support the social-emotional well-being of all students


Improve the strategic recruitment strategy in order to support the social-emotional well-being of all students


  • Identify, select, and hire a diverse school mental health workforce to improve the accessibility of services to underserved student populations.
  • Support the training and mentoring of school mental health providers to meet their professional development needs.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Job Fairs Attended for recruitment of Psychologists and Counselors New
Number of Psychologists and Counselors Hired New
Connect the district’s financial plan to the strategic plan with the goal of aligning all district resources and increase transparency


Connect the district’s financial plan to the strategic plan with the goal of aligning all district resources and increase transparency


  • Develop and produce a program budget that aligns with key programs and the strategic plan.
  • Develop a balanced budget that allows for the highest priority accelerators based on staff and stakeholder input.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
On-time and Efficient Launch and Training for Staff in All Phases of New Enterprise Resource Planning System (Financial, Budget, and Human Capital Management Components) New
Continue to provide and maintain safe and clean facilities that ensure accessibility and support the learning environment


Continue to provide and maintain safe and clean facilities that ensure accessibility and support the learning environment


  • Implement a new computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) that will enable the division to create, update, and track work orders, improve efficiency, and predict equipment replacement needs.
  • Develop and implement a program for preventive maintenance to expand the lifespan of equipment by providing support equitably at all MCPS facilities.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Percent of Received Maintenance Work Orders Completed 96.1% 97% 97.9% 98.8% 100%
Percent of Buildings Meeting 'Adequate Rating' on State Assessment 86% 89.5% 93% 96.5% 100%
Percent of Schools and Offices Completing Emergency Preparedness Activities 25.8%
(Schools Only: 2019-2020)
44.4% 63% 81.6% 100%
Increase experienced and diverse principals and teachers serving in high-need schools.


Increase experienced and diverse principals and teachers serving in high-need schools.


  • Develop an incentive plan to attract and retain principals and teachers in high-need schools.
  • Provide continued job-embedded support and coaching for principals after they are hired.

Metrics of Success

Metrics of Success Baseline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Develop an Incentive Plan to Attract and Retain Principals and Teachers in High-Need Schools New
Provide Continued Job-Embedded Support and Coaching for Principals and Teachers After They are Hired New