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Fiscal Year 2016 → Question 1
The MCPS budget is structured to reflect our system priorities. Closing the achievement gap is central to our strategic framework and is reflected in how we budget our positions and other resources. The core of the budget is the allocations to schools that most directly support efforts to close the achievement gap. We know from data collected that schools with the greatest needs, based on Free and Reduced-price Meals System (FARMS) rates, are also schools with higher percentages of African American and Hispanic students. Providing additional resources tor these schools is key to closing the achievement gap which is why we allocate additional funds to these schools.
Funding of schools is differentiated based on the needs of students so that schools with greater needs are allocated more staffing and other resources. MCPS has a long-standing commitment to fund schools according to the needs of the students in each school. While all schools are allocated “base or core staffing,” which is determined by a variety of enrollment and program factors, staff and other resources are allocated based on need.
These allocations are provided to support efforts and work to close the achievement gap in MCPS. They include:
In addition to staffing, other resources are allocated to schools based on needs. For example:
Last year when the superintendent presented his recommended FY 2015 Recommended Operating Budget to the Board, he noted that the MCPS provides an average of $1.9 million more in resources to Focus elementary schools. Also, attached is a chart sent to Councilmember Branson in April 2014, that provides details on how the budget is differentiated to support high schools with greater needs. Furthermore, the FY 2016 Program Budget has been organized to show how budgeted resources are used support the students who require additional support to help close the achievement gap.
The accountability measures that are necessary to ensure that the achievement gap is closing are part of a multidimensional accountability system that starts with the Strategic Planning Framework’s five milestones and the annual targets established. At the school level, the School Support and Improvement Framework (SSIF) serves as the primary tool which informs many stakeholders on student progress. In addition, work has begun on developing a standard approach for accessing the impact of resource allocations and what the return is on these investments. By comparing groupings of schools based on their level of budgetary support, and aggregating student achievement around agreed upon metrics, we can identify where significant areas of improvement are occurring. This process will further inform whether resource allocation decisions align with the educational needs of students.
Council Data for High Schools