What would be the savings if class size was increased by one student except for Title I and Focus schools and high needs secondary schools?

Question#: 59


If class size guidelines were increased by one student for all elementary schools, except for Title I and Focus schools, the savings would be approximately $2,981,308 (including employee benefits) as of result of eliminating 44 classroom teacher positions. Secondary school by school staffing calculations have not been completed to determine what the savings would be if class size were increased by one student except for high needs schools. However, based on preliminary enrollment numbers and applying a calculation for increasing the average class size by one, the savings would be approximately $1,538,084 (including employee benefits) as a result of eliminating 22.7 classroom teacher positions for middle schools, and approximately $1,992,056 (including employee benefits) as a result of eliminating 29.4 classroom teacher positions for high schools.