Provide information on the transfer policy for the Poolesville Cluster.

Question#: 32


In his testimony, Mr. Jerome Klobukowski, Commissioner of the Town of Poolesville, encouraged the Board to adopt a liberal student transfer policy for Poolesville cluster elementary and middle schools. This recommendation was considered by a community roundtable convened by MCPS in 2010to discuss options to handle the under-enrollment at Monocacy Elementary School.Subsequently, the Board adopted a resolution that allows any elementary student in the Poolesville cluster to enroll in Monocacy Elementary School regardless of grade level (prior to this, the option was limited to kindergarten only).

Board Policy, KEA Transfer of Students and Regulation KEA-RA, allow students to transfer to a school other than their assigned school for documented hardships and if an older sibling attends the school. A change in transfer procedures would require a change in the Board’s policy. In addition, an open transfer policy into Poolesville may adversely impact enrollment levels at nearby sending schools. It should be noted that Poolesville High School does draw a large number of students from outside the cluster to attend the magnet and Global Ecology programs.