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Operating Budget → Question and Answer Archive
What is the cost to add hours-based staffing at the remaining seven middle schools?
Please clarify why the Early Intervening Services charts on pages 1-10 and 1-11 have no FY 2012 or FY 2013 information.
On page 1-16 it states that there is a realignment of $483,262 from the middle school-after school activities budget to the Department of Transportation. Similarly, page 1-23 states that there is a realignment of $294,538 from high school after-school activities budget to the Department of Transportation budget. Please explain. What impact this will have on after-school offerings?
On page 1-16 (Enrollment Changes) it states that there is a decrease of 1.6 classroom teacher positions due to a projected decrease in enrollment of 36 middle school students. By contrast, on page 1-23, it states that there is a reduction of .1 classroom teacher position due to a projected decrease in enrollment of 60 high school students. Please explain the reason for the difference in number of reduced positions given that there is a greater decrease in high school enrollment.
Page 1-24 indicates that our projected FY 13 student/counselor ratio is 251:1 whereas our goal is a ratio of 250:1. How many additional counselors (at what cost) would it take to meet our goal in FY 2013?
Provide information on the backlog for maintenance work orders and how work is prioritized and addressed.
Are there any budgetary barriers to putting Curriculum 2.0 for Kindergarten and Grade 1 online for parents to access?
What is the cost to add a Middle Schools IB Programme at Watkins Mill cluster middle schools?
What is the cost to add Middle School Reform courses at non-Middle School Reform schools?
List the ten schools that have the highest number of copier service calls and days out-of-service
What is the cost to provide a refrigerator for Flower Hill Elementary school? Provide information on the Maryland Meals for Achievement (MMA) program including whether or not having a refrigerator impacts participation in the MMA program.
How are Alternative Level 1 staffing allocations determined?
Provide information about the Title I program and how have Title I funds been used over the past five years?
What formulas do other Maryland counties use to allocate psychologists?
Please explain the role of the central office teacher? How will this impact instructional capacity within Alternative Programs?
Staff has advised the BOE that MCPS would undertake a comprehensive look at various 12-month positions to determine which, if any, should be reduced to 10-month positions. Is this specific proposed reduction being recommended in the context of this budget review? What is the status of that larger review?
On page 1-31 there is a reference to projections for “decreased revenue” for Neglected and Delinquent Youth that necessitate a reduction in professional part-time salaries. Please explain.
The budget on Page 1-23 identifies a reduction to the High School Plus program. Please provide the cost of the program and enrollment numbers for High School Plus over the past two years and explain how the reduction will impact the number of students we can serve. Is data available on what the cost was for the last year that night school operated?
A reduction to the Bridge to Academic Validation program is noted on the budget on page 4-13. Are these reductions based on anticipated decreases in student enrollment? Are we expecting a decrease in Bridge program projects due to the elimination of the Government HSA requirement?
On page 4-42 there is reference to a reduction for the Perkins Vocational and Technical Education grant. Please explain the nature of the reduction and describe the likely impact
On page 5–29 there are reductions indicated for teacher and paraeducator positions at Rock Terrace and RICA. Please explain the enrollment projections upon which these reductions are based and offer an assessment of the likely impact on our ability to provide services.
The budget chart of page 5-31 indicates an increase of 7.4 special education itinerant paraeducators. Please discuss this proposed increase and address whether there is a parallel need to increase itinerant teachers. Please explain the rationale in determining how to allocate any increases between paraeducators and teachers.
On page 6-9 of the budget there is a reference in part-time salaries related to the Kennedy Cluster program. Please discuss the likely impact by updating the current status of the Kennedy Cluster work.
The Program Budget on page 266-68 discusses the Services for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. On page 268 it indicates an increase of 11.8 special education teachers and 19.25 paraeducators. Please provide additional information as to how these positions will be allocated. Are these teachers being dedicated to autism program and if so, at what level (ES, MS, HS)?
Given that we are opening a new school and that we have rising increases in the number of students eligible for FARMS and receiving meals in school, please discuss the proposed reduction in Chapter 6 on pages 121-122 (reducing two cafeteria worker positions by .5 FTE). Is there a cafeteria worker position allocated for the DCES #29?
In Chapter 8-22, the budget recommendation is for a reduction of $761,524 in university partnership tuition due to a decrease in candidate enrollment. Please share some information about this trend. Is the decrease in any particular program (such as our partnership to develop special education teachers) and what are the implications for our hiring practices if any?
How many PPWs are budgeted for FY 2013? How does that number compare to each of the last five years?
What is the total cost for consulting principals, their supervisors, and any existing support staff?
How many MCPS staff are allocated vehicles and at what cost?
How many bus route supervisor positions are there and what is the cost?
How many overhires do we have (title, category, cost)?
Provide information on the transfer policy for the Poolesville Cluster.
What are the assumptions for staffing the Application program at Wheaton High School?
Respond to the testimony from the Blair Cluster regarding the disappearance of report cards and information on the curriculum in non-English languages from the website.
What are the duties and responsibilities of focus teachers and academic intervention teachers and how are staffing allocations made?
What is the cost to restore the instrumental music teachers that have been cut over the past several years?
Explain if the status of the Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) Summer Adventures in Learning program has changed at Twinbrook Elementary School.
For the past several years there have been cuts for textbooks and instructional materials. What has been the impact on schools and students?
How are Promethean boards provided to elementary schools?
Provide information on staffing for instrumental music over the past five years. How does MCPS staffing for instrumental teachers compare with other local school systems? If the staffing ratio used in 2001 had been maintained, how many positions would there be compared to the current number of positions? Provide five years of data by school on the size of the instrumental music groups.
Provide staffing allocation data for Montgomery Blair High School.
Provide three years of information on budget cuts for positions in the elementary, middle, and high schools.
What will the Gallup Staff Engagement Survey provide compared to using the Tell Maryland Survey?
Provide information on how we are using the Pearson Partnership i3 funds.