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Fiscal Year 2013 → Question 1
The elementary instrumental music (IM) program is provided in 125 schools with grades 4 and 5, and in two elementary schools with grades 4–6. The FY 2013 budget includes 35.2 positions for elementary IM, an increase of a 0.2 position from FY 2012, to support opening Downcounty Consortium Elementary School #29. The attached chart provides IM program enrollment data by school from FY 2008 through FY 2012.
The chart below compares MCPS with other local school districts’ IM programs in terms of data on how many students were served by an IM teacher during FY 2011. In FY 2011, a full-time MCPS elementary IM teacher served 360 students per week.
The following table shows the elementary IM staffing allocation for each year for which data are available. The table includes changes in enrollment and staffing allocations.
*Projected enrollment
If the range of enrollment for a 0.1 allocation from FY 2008 had been maintained, a total of 48.8 positions, or an additional 13.6 positions, would be needed FY 2013.