Please provide an overview of how schools, specifically Barnsley Elementary School, include neighborhood students in the “Center” activities to allow for more enriched program opportunities.

Question#: 3


The model at Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary School is similar to the model used at all of the elementary Center for Enriched Studies programs.  Currently at Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary School, students in the Center for Enriched Studies and students who are geographical boundary (aka “Neighborhood”) students both benefit from the following:

  • Experiences in William and Mary, Jr. Great Books
  • Participate in the science fair that is inquiry-based project
  • Opportunities to interact on a daily basis with lunch and recess
  • Combined for chorus
  • Attend nearly all field trips together
  • Participate in instrumental music, grouped by instrument and ability across programs
  • Participate together for field day, fifth grade end-of-year activities, promotion

For this year, the school has plans to design a culminating activity based on curriculum that is similar in experience to the gemstone (center) project (i.e., plays). Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary School also has a guest lecturer (former teacher) come in to meet with the students and share information on American History for Social Studies that ties to the curriculum 10-12 times per year.  Students are grouped within program, but everyone experiences the lecturer.

For next year, the school team also is looking at ways to combine 4/5 and 5/6 math students
in classes.