Budget Question and Answer Archive


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Board members Ms. Evans, Mrs. Wolff, and Ms. Rivera-Oven, requested a status update on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning concerns at A. Mario Loiederman Middle School. 7
Mr. Saeed would like to know the annual cost for the School Cash Online service. 16
Mrs. Evans would like someone from the Equity Initiatives Unit to go out to Sherwood High School and follow up on a student’s public comments regarding vandalism and issues related to racist comments/slurs made by students on the basketball team. 14
Mrs. Smondrowski asked that administration provided the cost of after-school buses per school. 11
Mrs. Smondrowski asked that given the tight budget times, does MCPS look at other ways to support the system internally such as with internships and if they are worked through the career programs. 12
Mrs. Smondrowski would like to know the costs for expanding both the Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) and College Tracks programs, as well as, the extended year programs. 9
Ms. Harris would like to see what the cost implications would be to expand beyond the eight (8) restorative justice specialist positions and one restorative justice coach. 15
Ms. Rivera-Oven would like a list of which schools only have one administrator and among these schools are they seeing an increase in either special education or in English Multilingual Learners. 4
Ms. Rivera-Oven would like staff to provide more information around the scenario’s [about 504s] mentioned in Mr. Moreno’s testimony. 8
Ms. Rivera-Oven would like to be provided data by geographical location of where MCPS is currently seeing an increase in enrollment growth in Special Education as well as across the system. 2
Ms. Rivera-Oven would like to have a breakdown of services that MCPS contracts for mental health with outside providers, including number of students utilizing medical services. 6
Ms. Silvestre would like a follow-up to security enhancements, which are currently in the budget and future budgets. 21
Ms. Silvestre would like to hear about the 2019 Security study as part of the deep dive at the April 11, 2024, Board Business Meeting. 18
Ms. Silvestre would like to see the comparison of central office size with other Local Education Agencies. 19
Ms. Wolff requested that administration provide slides that are all inclusive of the costs and not just the larger bucket items, as every penny is accountable. 13
Ms. Wolff would like consideration to be given to elementary school principals regarding their security concerns 20
Ms. Wolff would like the administration to come to the Strategic Planning Committee with the work of the Department of Districtwide Professional Unity and the Equity Unit. 10
Ms. Wolff would like to receive a breakdown by race/ethnicity of students enrolled in special education and English Multilingual Learners. 1
Ms. Yang requested data on Professional Certified positions in schools, including a. the number of positions in each school building by level b. the number of positions that does not have students assigned to them at each level and the positions title 3
Ms. Yang would like data on how security personnel is budgeted. 17
Ms. Yang would like to receive an evaluation for effectiveness for Learning Achievement Specialists and coordinator positions assisting with 504 plans. 5