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Fiscal Year 2025 → Question 2
The geographical analysis of the distribution of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) who are newly identified as eligible for services for any period of time and throughout the entirety of Montgomery County would likely lead to misleading results. In the past five years, the Office of Special Education (OSE) newly identifies an average of 2,771 students in Grades kindergarten–12 for special education and related services. Enrollment growth in the special education context means an increase in the number of students identified as eligible for special education and related services. It also may include students new to MCPS who have moved into the county from another Maryland county or from out of state. Students are identified for special education on an ongoing basis throughout the school year. This process generally occurs at a student’s home/neighborhood school but could happen at a school in which the student is enrolled due to a Change of School Assignment, an administrative placement, homeless status, or various other reasons. We do not maintain data for identification based on geographical location for initial eligibility determinations and/or students new to MCPS who qualify for services. Once students are identified, they may receive special education at a service school or a school with the resources to provide the services the student needs pursuant to the IEP. Because the identification of the need for services happens throughout the year, one cannot predict the services that may be required for newly enrolled students. Unfortunately, we do not have the systems or resources to conduct this level of analysis.