What is the cost to expand the Sciende, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs that are currently being implemented at Blair and Kennedy High Schools?

Question#: 8


Special STEM programs at Montgomery Blair and John F. Kennedy high schools include:

  • Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science Magnet Program at Montgomery Blair High School:  Accelerated instruction in the areas of math, science, and computer science for highly motivated and able students, admitted through a selective application process.
  • Academy of Health Professions and Biosciences at John F. Kennedy High School: Students prepare for careers in healthcare and biosciences, applying foundational course knowledge to real-life health-care and clinical situations. This program is interest-based and available to local students only.

Potential expansion of these programs will be part of “Phase 2” of ongoing expansion of high school programs through the Choice Strategic Plan, in the 2021–2022 school year and beyond. Primary costs associated with expansion of these programs are staff Full-time Equivalent (FTE) positions (for example, one teacher position is equivalent to $69,009) and program leadership that would be needed. Assuming there is underutilized facility space, it is estimated that expansion of these programs would require at least 4.0 FTE positions, at a cost of $276,036. This estimate is based on magnet cohort sections at Montgomery Blair High School (100 students per year) and multiple sections of Health Professions at John F. Kennedy High School (class capacities of 15 students in the second year of the course during clinical rotations).

It is important to note that included in the expanded options offered at Wheaton High School, Thomas Edison High School of Technology, and Seneca Valley High School are expansion of STEM programs including computer science, information technology, and healthcare professions.  These programs are available to all students countywide through the new regional model and catchment areas.