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Fiscal Year 2024 → Question 37
At the elementary level, we continue shifting to Structured Literacy grounded in the Science of Reading research. Schools are currently in semester 1 of making instructional changes that will align their practices to the research. Teachers in Grades K–2 use Really Great Reading to provide explicit instruction in foundational skills. The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment also provides teachers with additional information on how students are progressing in their early literacy development. The data collected is used to determine additional support. Lessons that align with the specific skills and needs students are demonstrating are provided.
We are working with school leaders in secondary literacy to elevate literacy skills across content areas. Six of our middle schools are piloting the research-based Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text practices, and professional learning is currently being provided to leaders in our other middle and high schools on these practices to inform a schoolwide literacy model. Our work reflects the research on the impact of a schoolwide approach to literacy skills. Additionally, we provide detailed guidance and direct support to schools on using multiple data sources to identify appropriate reading interventions for students who are not yet reading on grade level and need Tier 2 and Tier 3 support. We also work with English Language Arts leaders to ensure students receive instruction that is aligned with grade-level standards and meet the needs of diverse learners. Part of this effort is collaborating with our colleagues in the Department of English Learners and Multilingual Education to provide professional learning and coaching on effective co-teaching to support emergent multilingual learners.
In elementary mathematics, the following actions are underway:
The following are actions the Secondary Math Team is taking this year to impact student achievement: